Friday, January 17, 2020

Roblox - Campfire Tutorial

                 Roblox - Creating a Campfire


Step 1: Create a new platform in the Roblox Studio 

Step 2:  Create a square shape and make the material the base for your campfire. 

When your base is done, add another square to represent the coals in your campfire. 
Adjust your bases until your coals are centered, then you can begin the next step.

Step 3: Create cylinders out of wood and change the colour to your choice of wood colour.
Rotate and resize your log so that you can build the rest around it.

Step 4: Duplicate your logs and move them around so that your campfire has enough logs.
Step 5: Add smaller cylinders to represent sticks in the middle of your fire.
Step 6: Find select "Model" and find effects on the right side.
Find the fire effect and place it in the center of your fire.

What I learned: I learned how to create effects and make objects blend together by merging them.

What I will do next: I'm going to try making fireworks and hopefully succeed.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Roblox Tree

Roblox - Creating a Tree

       First step is to make a new grass platform.
After that, create a cylinder shape and change the material to wood and the colour to brown.

The cylinder is the base of your tree, so try to make it fairly big. Duplicate your cylinders and resize them to make branches for your tree.   

Your tree should have branches on most angles, with smaller branches attached.
When you have enough branches, go to "Parts" and select sphere.
Change the material to grass, and make the colour green for the leaves.

Begin adding leaves and resizing them until you have lots of texture in your leaves.
Save your project!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Desert Skies - #4

Game Journalism Day 4

the little things

What did you do?

  • Tell a story - a story with pictures especially about when you found (or made) these little things:
                      Water Tank - made at the beginning to fill my canteen before every town.
                                    Knife - used to help kill the seeker, but that didn't work.
                                           Seeker Head - obtained by killing a seeker.
Totem Carving - found in a hut by a dead forest.

Wobbleheads - found in towns all across the map.

What did you learn?

  • Are you advancing?
  • I am advancing by always getting new materials to build my airship and finding metals to use for weaponry.
  • what new TIPS & TRICKS can you share? ..with IMAGES

Always crouching when entering a town will make you harder to hear for the Seeker.

Fill your canteen with wells, and fill your water tank with buckets of water from the well whenever you can.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Antila House - Exterior

Desert Skies - #2

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

What did you do today?

  • image of seeker

  • image of a town from the air
  • image of your airship 

What did you learn?

  • tips and tricks for your readers
for example - what is the quick way to gather all items from something you have opened?

answer the following with an image
  • where do you get a stone axe from?
  • what items can you eat?

  1.                                            Uncooked food tin

                                                                     Cooked Food Tin
                                                                               Cooked Fish
                                                                              Live Fish
  2.                                                                     Mushroom

Next day, I will try to get more ammo for my revolver and enough bandages to take on the Seeker. In order to take it down, I need to hunt for gold, as that's the Seeker's weakness.

Antila House - Interior

Antila House - Video